What We Do

Spread Hope was founded in 2020 by Parker, Maddie, and Hayden Wheeler in order to help struggling families find HOPE during different holidays throughout the year.

Our Mission

We have always felt the need to give back because of how blessed we have been in life. Growing up, our mom would organize sub-for-santa events every year by herself. She would find a couple of families in need and get the word out through social media and email that she was collecting donations for them. She would also donate a large amount personally. We always got to help her collect, wrap, then deliver the gifts and clothes. It was a special way to spend the Christmas season. We have created this non-profit organization because we wanted to do the same thing but on a larger scale, for multiple holidays. The holidays are a time when people should be full of HOPE and enjoying themselves. But many times, because of different types of circumstances, people are sad or stressed during these times. Our goal and mission is to SPREAD HOPE during the holidays through various means that will impact people for a lifetime. 


“Just as despair can come to one only from other human beings, hope, too, can be given to one only by other human beings.”

— Elie Wiesel